Friday, September 24, 2010


One of our most basic needs, from the time of conception, to birth,
and from childhood throughout our entire adult lives, and even in death-
Is touch. The need is so strong, so omnipresent,
that without it, we would surley die. Through my writing, I attempt to touch.
I invite the reader; you, to experience life and love, death and tragedy, suspense and excitement.
To feel my touch-


The human touch -
flesh against flesh,
skin against skin,
I crave it so much,
where do I begin.
My fingers trace-
the shape of your lips,
the outline of your face.
They gently carress-
your favorite place-
The back of your neck
where passion lives.
It awakens your soul,
it quickens your heartbeat,
and shortens your breath.
Without your touch I'm afraid
I'd withdraw into myself,
and enter the throes of death.

You take my hand in yours,
you smile and laugh
as we walk and talk.
You hold me tight
and whisper,"I love you!"
You playfully give me a bite.
Your fingers expertly roam
the contours of my back,
I'm almost there, in heaven-
You're on the right track.
Anticipating the touch of
your lips upon mine,
That's what touch is all about.
Our eyes meet as you tell me-
"Kiss me now, or I'll cut your heart out!"
